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A Little Burlesque to Brighten Your Day


Now, I don't make a habit of watching the CW's teen dramas. But I saw an episode of O.C. creator Josh Schwartz's Gossip Girl last night, and among the heavy breathing, suggestive glances, and emotive eyes, I enjoyed the subplot about teenage Chuck trying to get his dad to invest in a burlesque club.

Angie_pontani_poster Although burlesque performers and fans alike may take issue with this episode's inaccuracies about the genre (remember, it's not exactly just stripping, dudes), I did catch a glimpse of NYC burlesque star--and friend of Blog Stage--Angie Pontani performing on stage in the final club scene. Maybe Gossip Girl is paying a little more attention to detail than I thought? Or at the very least, is this a suggestion that the Upper East Side show could become another Law and Order-type job resource for NYC actors?

-- Daniel Lehman

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