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Musical Theatre Fest Accepting Submissions

National Alliance for Musical Theatre is now accepting submissions for its 20th annual festival of new musicals, held in New York City in October 20 and 21, 2008.

Any writer may apply, as long as the submission includes a letter of support from a NAMT member, any other professional theatre organization, or an agent.

Past festival successes include Tony Award winners Thoroughly Modern Millie and The Drowsy Chaperone, which both transferred to Broadway after the NAMT event.

The deadline for non-NAMT members is Feb. 8; there is a submission fee of $50. The deadline for NAMT members and alumni festival writers is Feb. 22; there is no registration fee. For full submission guidelines and to download the application, visit www.namt.org. For more information, call (212) 714-6668, ext. 10.

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