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Improved Talent-Search Tools for Directors, Producers, and Casting Directors

Findtoptalent_2 Back Stage makes it easy to find top talent.

Using the BackStage.com Find Talent/Casting Center Employer system, employers, casting directors, producers, directors, choreographers, agents, and talent scouts can quickly reach thousands of the most talented actors, models, performers, and entertainment-industry professionals in the world.

With Back Stage’s new “Post a Notice” categories, projects can search for a much wider range of talent – beyond just casting. The posting categories still include over a dozen casting sections for film, theatre, music videos, commercials, industrials, dance auditions, and more. But now you can also call for submissions to film festivals, writing competitions, reality TV shows, acting/casting-director workshops and improv groups, modeling jobs, tradeshows, theme parks, cruise lines, and other entertainment-industry opportunities. Or call for talent to perform at open-mikes, comedy clubs, cabarets, and talent competitions -- find comedians, singers, dancers, musicians, jugglers, and variety performers. Plus, you can tag your notice with multiple categories and call for cast and crew simultaneously.

When talent-seekers submit casting/job notices to Back Stage via the BackStage.com “Post a Notice” system; the notices turn up in the search results of hundreds of thousands of entertainment-industry professionals; they’re sent out in special Casting/Job Alert emails blasts; and, optionally, they even appear in the weekly Back Stage magazine (East and West) print editions.

NEW FEATURE: While posting a casting notice on BackStage.com, you can now use the “Script Sides” text field to include HTML-formatted script excerpts, story treatments, company info, and even video, audio, and graphics. Simply paste your HTML code directly into the “Script Sides” box. For instance, if you have a director’s reel or short films on media-sharing sites like YouTube or OurStage or MySpace, then you can copy your video’s “Embed Video” code from those sites and then paste it into the “Script Sides” box on the BackStage.com “Post a Notice” form before submitting the notice to Back Stage. Your video will then be automatically embedded within your casting/job notice. This method of enhancing your online casting notice is entirely free.

Casting Directors and producers can also activate an “online submissions” option within their casting notice (also for free), so that Back Stage’s talented readers can quickly submit their Multimedia Resumes and cover letters directly to the project. The Multimedia Resumes are then automatically sent to the project in two ways, simultaneously: Via the BackStage.com Resume-Submission Inbox System and directly to the project’s regular email in an HTML-enhanced format.

And users of Back Stage’s Find Talent/Casting Center Employer system can also search through the Back Stage Talent Database online 24/7. The BackStage.com Talent Database is now filled with thousands of Multimedia Resumes – resumes enhanced with headshots, comp cards, photos, reels, documents, and links – created by Back Stage subscribers, including actors, dancers, singers, comedians, models, variety performers, writers, and staff/tech/crew.

If you need help with any BackStage.com tools, check out the Casting FAQ or contact us at BackStage.com/castinghelp.

And check out our new social-networking profiles and Google casting-news gadgets.

More great upgrades are coming soon to BackStage.com, which will make it even easier to post casting/job/festival notices and find talent. Keep an eye out!

-- Luke Crowe, National Casting Editor, Back Stage


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