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'Sex and the City' Tour Guides Found in Back Stage?

On_location_tours_sex_and_the_cit_4 Last week, Back Stage published a casting notice seeking tour guides for On Location Tours' Sex and the City NYC bus tours:


On Location Tours is seeking talent for a bus tour of Sex and the City sites in NYC. Georgette Blau, casting. Approx. one three-and-a-half hour tour per week; can be on a weekday or weekend.

Seeking—Bus Tour Guide: female, 20s-30s, extremely outgoing and personable actress, stand-up comedy experience a plus. Note: Performer must obtain NYC tour guide license if hired.


This week, New York magazine  features a Q&A with  four of the ladies who are candidates to show off the sites to fans and tourists, in the days leading up to the new Sex and the City movie's release this weekend. (They also gave a nice shout-out to Back Stage.)

Click here for the story.

-- Daniel Lehman

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