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AMPTP Submits Final Offer

Only six hours away from the expiration of SAG’s TV/Theatrical pact, the AMPTP says they’ve presented SAG with their final offer.

A statement sent moments ago by spokesman Jesse Hiestand reads, “In an effort to put everyone back to work, the AMPTP today presented SAG our final offer--a comprehensive proposal worth more than $250 million in additional compensation to SAG members with significant economic gains and groundbreaking new-media rights for all performers.”

However, Rosenberg, Allen, and their SAG supporters might not be so thrilled. The statement describes the $250 million offer as “consistent with the four other labor agreements already reached this year.” At the same time the AMPTP says their offer to SAG “addresses issues that SAG identified as being of utmost concern to its members, including tailoring our new media framework for SAG in areas such as feature films and significant gains for working actors.”

“Consistent” yet “tailored?” Can you be a little more specific, please? Sure… Kind of. According to the “background materials” posted on AMPTP’s site, the tailored-for-SAG deal doubles the residual rate for permanent downloads, preserves performers’ clip consent, broadens “definition of ‘covered performers’ in low-budget New Media productions”--a nod to background players?—and promises actors “full access to companies’ un-redacted New Media deal memos”—so they know what the producers are up to ostensibly.

Doubled residuals rates sound like quite a concession in SAG's favor. But the wise Jonathan Handel tells me the DGA, WGA, and AFTRA got the same in their new-media deals. Handel also reports the AMPTP has offered to meet with SAG again on Wednesday, but also states it will not entertain counter-offers.

 Will this absolutely final, take-it-or-leave-it offer be enough for the guild leaders to call off their “vote no” anti-AFTRA war and sign on the line that is dotted? I’m guessing they’re hardly doing cartwheels across the courtyard of 5757 Wilshire.

As for whether crew members and working actors should show up for work tomorrow, the studios’ org. says, “We will continue for now to work under the terms of the old contract as current productions wind down.” No word yet from SAG—though I’m sure there will be soon.

Man, this is turning into nail-bitter. Break out the guacamole and six packs. It’s gonna be a bumpy night.

--Lauren Horwitch


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