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'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog'

Since it's been big news on the internet for more than a month now, we're a little embarrassed that we haven't already posted something about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, the new web musical created by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and starring Neil Patrick Harris.

The three-act, 40-minute musical series begins as the video blog of Dr. Horrible (Harris), a low-level costumed villain, as he attempts to win entry into the Evil League of Evil, defeat Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion), and win the heart of that cute girl at the laundromat. Act I has been online since yesterday, with Act II scheduled to go up tomorrow, followed by Act III on July 19.

It's campy, cheesy, and fun. It might even signal a possible new future for the musical as we know it. Read more about Dr. Horrible at the L.A. Times entertainment blog, and watch the series here as it unfolds.

Below, check out the teaser trailer for Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog:

Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.

-- Daniel Lehman

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How can you not love this short movie? Neil Patrick Harris is a hoot. Who knew he could sing? And the whole thing of making fun of blogs and bloggers–how great is that?

Has anyone mentioned it seems a perfect metaphor for our dolt President?? Think about it–-likeable, not very bright but ambitious guy has big plans, they come to be and wreck things, in the end. It’s perfect. It’s W all over, guys.

Just wait ’til Halowe’en, folks. It’ll be all “Dr. Horrible”, “The Hammer” and “Moist” costumes!

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