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Your Film Could Change the World

CouplebeforeHugeVideoscreen We all understand the extraordinary power of film and television to inspire and educate -- but how exactly will you get your next project to change the world?

New York Women in Film and Television is sponsoring a special panel, called "Using Film and Digital Media To Change The World," in mid-November with special industry guests who will talk about how you can take take advantage of the storytelling power of film and social networking tools to create media of consequence.

The panel will also showcase innovative media programs that promote social change, from large-scale community screenings in remote regions of Africa to using YouTube as an advocacy tool.

When: Tues., Nov 18, at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Showbiz Software, 19 West 21st St., Ground floor, between 5th and 6th avenues

Tickets cost $10 for NYWIFT members and $20 for non-members. For more information on panel participants and to RSVP, visit www.nywift.org/newsletter.

--Anna Bengel

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