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Tragic Headshots (Some from Back Stage readers) Showcased in New Book


In 2004, Patrick Borelli produced Entertaining the Young, a variety show featuring elderly people. To find talent, he placed an ad in Back Stage. Within two weeks he'd received more than a hundred headshots. The variety show was a big success, but it was the headshots that left the biggest impression on Patrick.

Holy Headshot authors Patrick Borelli and Douglas Gorenstein pored over 50,000 headshots to put together this remarkable gallery, which showcases everyone from aspiring amateurs who are striving to live out their Hollywood dreams to seasoned professionals that you might recognize from the big screen. If you go to the website, you can submit your own headshot for consideration in future editions of Holy Headshot.

Here is a copy of the casting notice Borelli placed in Back Stage last year:


BG Media is casting a headshot book project. Patrick Borelli, prod.

Seeking—Off-beat, Unusual, Jaw-dropping, Goofy, Strange Headshots: males & females, any ethnicity or type, no nudity. Note: If chosen, your name and portions of your résumé will be used, but your contact info will not be published, all participants will be required to sign a release form.

Send submissions to BG Print Media, PO Box 737, New York, NY 10014, Attn: Patrick Borelli. Submissions must include résumés & high-quality pix with a Post-it note attached with the photographer's name and phone number. Photos without the photographer's contact info will not be considered. Submissions should also include a short bio and any thoughts you have on acting including how you got into acting, a list of your favorite actors, what your favorite movies are, etc. Multiple submissions are encouraged. No pay, but copy of the book provided. (First posted 10/11/07)

-- Cassie Carpenter

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