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Scriptapalooza is Accepting Submissions

Screenplay Scriptapalooza is accepting script submissions right now.   Aspiring screenwriters: the early deadline for this competition is January 5th. 
What do you get if you win?  Hold onto your mouse pad because this could be a very lucrative move for the winner.  The Grand Prize is $10,000

Last year two writers got their scripts made into movies by the Lifetime Network.  Also in terms of exposure, your scripts will be read by staff from 90 production companies.

Called "One of the Best" by "Entertainment Weekly".   Scriptapalooza promotes the winners, runners-up, finalists and semifinalists for a full year.  That alone really makes it worth the effort.  It is also Supported by the Writers Guild of America, West and by the Writers Guild of Canada.

For more information e-mail [email protected] or go to the Scriptapalooza website.  Good luck to all.

-- Heather Langone

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