'Speed-the-Plow' Producers File Grievance Against Piven
It seems multiple doctors' examinations aren't enough to prove Jeremy Piven's sashimi-related mercury poisoning as a valid excuse for suddenly leaving the Broadway production of David Mamet's Speed-the-Plow two months early. The show's producers have reportedly filed a grievance with Actors' Equity regarding Piven's early departure.
TMZ reports that Jeffrey Richards, one of the show's producers, announced in a statement, "The producers of Speed-the-Plow have officially filed a grievance with Actors' Equity re: Jeremy Piven's departure. A date for these proceedings is to be determined."
Of course, we're getting our news from TMZ, so who knows what the deal is anymore with Piven and his love of stage acting. He seemed healthy enough to show up at the Golden Globes this past weekend, at least.
But mostly, we can't believe TMZ avoided calling Piven's excuse "fishy." This kind of seems like the wrong time to try to take the high road and avoid puns, doesn't it?
-- Daniel Lehman