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Casting News -- Feb. 27, 2009

JimCarrey Jim Carrey and Jake Gyllenhaal are attached to star in the film adaptation of Damn Yankees, which will be a contemporary take on the classic Tony-winning 1950s musical. Gyllenhaal will play central character Joe Boyd, who is transformed into the slugger Joe Hardy after making a deal with the devil (to be played by Carrey). This is the first musical for both actors. The role of Lola has not yet been cast.

Antonio Banderas has joined the cast of Woody Allen's still-untitled next film. The cast already includes Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin, Anthony Hopkins, and Freida Pinto. Filming is set to begin this summer in London.

Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg will team up as cops in The B Team, an action comedy to be directed by Adam McKay. The project is still a spec pitch at this point, to be written by McKay and Chris Hency (Land of the Lost). Previous Ferrell-McKay collaborations Talladega Nights and Step Brothers were also purchased based on a pitch, before their respective scripts were written.

Seth Green will star in Disney's Mars Needs Moms, a performance capture (think Polar Express and Beowulf) adaptation of the Berkeley Breathed children's novel. The cast also includes Mindy Sterling as the alien leader of Mars, Dan Fogler as friend Gribble, and Joan Cusack as the mom.

-- Daniel Lehman

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