Every week Back Stage posts hundreds of casting notices and entertainment-industry opportunities in the BackStage.com Casting/Jobs Database. Check out the following selection of 34 new notices -- film festivals calling for entries, staff/tech/crew jobs, casting workshops, and more:
1. Totem Pole Playhouse: TOTEM POLE PLAYHOUSE SEASON, PA: Totem Pole Playhouse (Fayetteville, PA) is seeking staff for its 2010 season. Season includes: Sisters of Swing: The Story of the Andrews Sisters (Beth Gilleland & Bob Beverage, writers; Raymond... More
JW Tumbles:
'THE LITTLE MAESTROS': Casting The Little Maestros, a 4-piece children's band. "The Little Maestros teach music classes and perform at birthday parties and special events. This is a part-time, open-ended gig. Cla...
More 3. JBCastingNetworks: CD WORKSHOPS, PAUL RUDDY & BETH HOLLYWOOD-DAY: Holding casting director workshops, with Paul Ruddy of Fern Champion Casting and Beth Hollywood-Day of Christian Kaplan [Senior VP Features Casting, 20th Century Fox] Casting. "FCC c... More