The Brooklyn-based company modestly describes their new show, "Bonne Nuit Poo Poo," as "comedy, science fiction, dance, apocalyptic jukebox, cabaret, motorcycles, video art and pageantry tied up into one uniquely entertaining spectacle." Think "Mad Max" in a fringe festival.
Formed in 2006 by Kristin Arnesen and Radoslaw Konopka (joined shortly after by Christopher Thomas Gilkey), Theatre Reverb owes much of its unique theatrical style to the diversity of its multidisciplinary core members. Arnesan and Gilkey are native New Yorkers; Konopka was born in Poland but moved to the U.S. in 1994. They describe their work as "influenced by silent cinema, popular culture, circus arts, and classical Indian theatre" (Arnesen and Konopka both studied in Kerala, India).
So far, the trio have created four original full-length theater pieces and a number of short works. In addition, the group is in residency at Brooklyn's Galapagos Art Space, where they are the regular hosts of "The Floating Kabarette."
Like their previous work, "Bonne Nuit Poo Poo" combines physical theatre, multimedia, and Indian dance. We spoke earlier this week with Kristin Arnesen about the new show.
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