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Guerrilla Girls Networking Event

Shutterstock_138795The Guerrilla Girls will be holding their third annual free networking event this April in New York City. 

"The GUERRILLA GALa" will be held at Bluestockings Bookstore at 172 Allen St. in Manhattan on Wed., April 28, 2010.

Women involved in any aspect of theater are encouraged to attend, including directors, producers, playwrights, stage managers, designers, and actresses.

The event will start off with an open discussion followed by a networking session, with refreshments on sale by Bluestocking Fair Trade Café.

Participants are encouraged to bring their resumes, headshots, and business cards for distribution. The event is free to attend but spaces fill up quickly, and reservations are required.

To reserve a space, please "fe-mail" your name and phone number to Anne Sexton at [email protected]. For more info on the Guerrilla Girls, visit www.guerrillagirlsontour.com.

-- Kristina Vega

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