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Matthew Fox Reacts to 'Lost' Episode

As always, where "Lost" is concerned, if you haven't seen this week's show, read no further. Lock yourself in a Dharma bunker and watch the episode, then come back.

So in my post yesterday about "Lost," I realized I forgot to mention that I'm not giving up on the show. Not by a longshot. While I'm still annoyed at them massacring three fan favorites, I should have added that I have faith in the show's producers and writers and won't judge this season until it's over--a time that is sadly, rapidly approaching.

Yesterday, when talking to Matthew Fox, I mentioned to him that a lot of people were upset at the episode from the evening before. Since he didn't keep up to date with which episode was airing this week, he asked what had happened. I said, "Well, a lot of people died." To which he responded, "Ah, episode 14." I asked him how he felt when he first realized the script and he admitted it made him sad. "I always anticipated that, coming toward the end, we would lose some people, but I was really shocked that Jin and Sun, right after they were reunited, would die. It was tragic and sad, but that's the nature of our show. The creators and people instrumental to the show have always thought outside the box in terms of how to tell a story. And as tragic as it was, it was a pretty bold move."

Fox also said those scenes brought home for him the fact the show was coming to a close. "When I read that script, I was like, 'Here we go.' It was probably the first time that it really hit me, how close we were to the end."

In six years of following  "Lost," I've come to realize there are two kinds of people: Those who love Fox's character, tortured doctor Jack Shephard, and those who think Jack is a big, annoying crybaby. If you are in the former, correct category, be sure to pick up our May 20 issue with Fox on the cover. I've always been a Jack fan, which is interesting because I don't generally connect with the heroic lead of a show. I'm more interested in the villains and the ethically dubious--yes, my favorite characters are Ben and Locke. But as silly as it sounds, considering the success of "Lost," I find Fox to be one of the most underrated actors on TV. He deserved an Emmy nomination for the first season, particularly the episode "White Rabbit" where he has to convince an airline employee to allow his father's coffin on the plane. Now in season six, I think he's doing his finest work since season one, and hope the powers that be recognize what an anchor he's been to a phenomenal show.

--Jenelle Riley


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