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A Second Look: 'True Grit'

With "True Grit" now in theaters, I wanted to revisit my original thoughts from when I first saw it. Also, now that people have had a chance to see the amazing Hailee Steinfeld in action, wanted to point the way to my interview with her here.

Actually had a chance to see the movie for a second time this week; I often feel Coen Brothers movies require a minimum of two viewings. One is to settle in and say "Oh, okay, this is what they're doing." The second is to truly take in/enjoy without overthinking it. I found the film holds up really well on a repeat viewing, I could soak in the atmosphere and revel in the great performances. Still left cold by the ending, however, which is apparently very true to the Charles Portis' novel on which it's based. Not sure what I wanted/expected out of the ending, and I always admire the Coens for going their own way. And it's definitely a film worth seeing for everything that comes before the last 10 minutes.

--Jenelle Riley

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