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Paramount Releases Trailer on Twitter

Jj On Friday, Paramount Pictures premiered the theatrical preview for its upcoming film "Super 8" via Twitvid and Twitter. According to CNET, this is the first time Twitter has been the launch pad of a movie trailer, but it likely will not be the last. By releasing the preview on a social networking site, Paramount demonstrated the growing allure of social media to reach audiences, especially younger viewers, and share information faster.

"Super 8" is directed and written by J.J. Abrams (producer and director of "Star Trek") and produced by Steven Spielberg. The film focuses on a group of kids trying to uncover the mystery of a possible alien arrival, a topic both Abrams and Spielberg have explored in the past. The movie is set in in 1979, but ironically used Twitter, one of the most modern means of communication, to release its trailer. Just last week, Warner Bros. announced a deal with Facebook that allows users to rent and watch "The Dark Knight" on the social networking website.

Pictured: J.J. Abrams (Photo: Getty Images).

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