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New Study Shows Cable TV Prevails Over the Internet

Netflix If you think Netflix and Hulu are taking the spotlight away from cable television, you may be wrong.

According to a study released by J.D Power and Associates, only three percent of TV customers have cancelled their cable-TV or satellite-TV service to substitute it with the Internet, reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The most important factor luring viewers to cable is access to sports and live events, according to the April survey. About 52 percent of Americans still watch TV the traditional way rather than recording it with a DVR or watching it on the Web.

“If you are a young man and you want to watch a live sporting event, you are still largely tied to a broadcast-TV provider, cable, satellite, or Telco,” Frank Perazzini, J.D. Power's director of telecommunications research, said Wednesday.

The study also said that the younger demographic is more likely to switch from cable to Internet than those in the older age bracket. It added that consumers frequently watch video on mobile devices.

(Photo: Getty Images)

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