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Okay, Some Los Angeles Stuff Too

I can’t quit you, Los Angeles readers, and there are just too many big movies gearing up for me to wait another week (or two, because let’s be honest, I’m kind of erratic with the posts).

Most exciting, they’re making a new “Die Hard,” a series that built up enough goodwill with the original trilogy that I hardly even cared about the fourth one being not that good. (Evidently, I know nothing of the “Die Hard” series and its goodness, as four has an 82 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, better than two [64 percent] and three [50 percent! What the—? At least Ebert gave it three stars].) It will be titled “A Good Day to Die Hard,” which, amazingly, is the best-named sequel in this series, easily topping the idiotic “Live Free or Die Hard” and the nonsensical “Die Hard: With a Vengeance” while slightly edging the delightfully campy “Die Harder.” In this installment Officer McClane travels to Moscow after his son runs afoul of the politsia. Obviously, he manages to piss off some bad guy(s), and it’s off to the races. Aquila/Wood is casting ahead of a February start.

Alyssa Weisberg and April Webster are casting the “Untitled HH Project,” which isn’t really the name of the project; the project has a name, but the producer-writer guy likes to have inscrutable code names for his projects. And even though anyone who matters knows exactly what the project is, people still go along with the charade because this guy’s projects make lots of money, they are generally pretty cool, and he has impeccable hair. So, “Untitled HH Project” it is. Get excited. It shoots next Secretember in Shoosh!ville.

Next up, Francine Maisler is casting “A Captain’s Duty,” a movie based on that episode a few years back where Somali pirates took the crew of the Maersk Alabama hostage before getting got by Navy SEAL snipers, proving once and for all that Obama is either a weak-kneed pansy (for not acting sooner, or something) or an ass-kicking macho man (because he gave the go-ahead for the snipers to fire, or something), depending on your political persuasion. Tom Hanks is already in, which is a weird choice for the role of a Somali pirate, but I guess Fran—wait, what? He’s playing the captain of the container vessel? Oh. That’s cool. This one shoots in February in NOLA.

Finally, the looooooooong-gestating live-action “Akira” remake from Warner Bros. has finally gotten the green light, and Ronna Kress is doing the casting ahead of a March shoot in Vancouver. This is one of those movies that is going to be either awesome or a complete disaster, and nothing in between. Rest assured though, if it is awesome, and a box office success, the inevitable sequel will definitely be a disaster.

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