Sandra Bullock Early Audition Tapes
The good people at Snakkle have unearthed some audition tapes from 20 years ago of Oscar winner Sandra Bullock. I'm not sure what movie she was auditioning for, why she's sporting a Jersey accent and an enormous hair poof, or if she got the role, but I have to say...she's pretty damn good. Particularly considering what an awkward situation auditions are. You can definitely see why she went on to be a gigantic star. In other words, these are not the embarrassment that is the Chris Klein "Mamma Mia!" audition.
Update: Someone has told me they believe the movie is the 1992 epic "Passed Away." And the role ended up going to Bullock's "Vanishing" co-star, Nancy Travis.
More videos after the jump.
--Jenelle Riley
The full auditions: