'Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark' Expresses Gratitude
"Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark," has quickly turned into "Spider-Man: Turn up the Snark."
After three network shows - "The Simpsons," "South Park," and "Regis & Kelly," all consecutively made 'fun' of the Broadway production this past "Hallo-weekend," Spiderman spokesperson, Rick Miramontez, released a few choice press releases dedicated to knocking some 'Spidey sense' into them.
Unlike the "South Park" portrayal, "Spider-Man" seemed genuinely flattered by its tributes on both "The Simpsons," referred to by Miramontez as an iconic American institution, and on "Regis & Kelly". Being part of the latest "Simpsons" episode was an "honor and dream come true" stated the press release. Executive producer of “Regis & Kelly,” Michael Gelman, donned an 'injured Spiderman in a wheelchair costume,' during the show, to which the cast of "Spider-Man" wished him a speedy recovery.
Publicity is publicity no matter how you look at it. Either way, it appears "Spider-Man" isn't going to take criticism sitting down. Unless it comes from Michael Gelman. Then it's okay.