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'Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark' Expresses Gratitude

"Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark," has quickly turned into "Spider-Man: Turn up the Snark."

After three network shows - "The Simpsons," "South Park," and "Regis & Kelly," all consecutively made 'fun' of the Broadway production this past "Hallo-weekend," Spiderman spokesperson, Rick Miramontez, released a few choice press releases dedicated to knocking some 'Spidey sense' into them.

"The production is thrilled to have gained such mass media attention, even on basic cable," programming such as "South Park," one press release said. In the episode, Randy tries to stop his daughter from viewing a performance of "Wicked" by dressing up as Spider-Man and swinging frantically throughout the theater, taking out actors and audience members alike - a cheap imitation of the poor wire control the musical has been criticized for.

Unlike the "South Park" portrayal, "Spider-Man" seemed genuinely flattered by its tributes on both "The Simpsons," referred to by Miramontez as an iconic American institution, and on "Regis & Kelly". Being part of the latest "Simpsons" episode was an "honor and dream come true" stated the press release. Executive producer of “Regis & Kelly,” Michael Gelman, donned an 'injured Spiderman in a wheelchair costume,' during the show, to which the cast of "Spider-Man" wished him a speedy recovery.

Publicity is publicity no matter how you look at it. Either way, it appears "Spider-Man" isn't going to take criticism sitting down. Unless it comes from Michael Gelman. Then it's okay.

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