Cable/Home Security Company?; Influential CD Dies
• Cable companies, such as Time Warner Cable and Comcast, are moving into home security... seriously. According to Los Angeles Times, in the midst of losing video subscribers due to other competitors, like Netflix, and the struggling economy, cable operators believe this will be a good additional, and logical, source of revenue. The only way a burglar is going to be scared of your cable guy is if he's this guy.
• New York City Opera is seeking the aid of a federal mediator to break its current impasse with the unions representing its chorus and orchestra, reported The New York Times. Also, City Opera, said on Tuesday that it will take up office space in Lower Manhattan.
• The upcoming sci-fi drama "Cloud Atlas" may provide a model of how films will be financed in the near future. The movie is relying heavily on international investors, namely in Asia, as well as on German subsidies. Check it out at The New York Times.
• Marion Dougherty, one of Hollywood’s most influential casting directors, died at the age of 88. Dougherty helped launched the careers of stars such as Anne Bancroft, Warren Beatty, Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, Bette Midler, Al Pacino, and Robert Redford. Read her obituary at Deadline and The Hollywood Reporter.