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Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill Talk 'Moneyball'

In case you missed the live broadcast of our Q&A on Monday with Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, you can check it out in its entirety above. Well, almost...the beginning was cut off, in which I introduced Jonah and Brad walked out...but most of it is there. Or if you prefer your Brad in bite-sized bits, there are three short highlights from the event after the jump.

As I've already said several times, "Moneyball" is one of the best films of 2011--I would rank it higher than most of the films it's competing against at the Oscars. I know it has its fans, but I'm a little surprised it isn't getting even more love. Here's hoping when the Oscar noms are announced next week it will make it into the Best Picture race. I would also love to see director Bennett Miller nominated--I was disappointed he didn't snag a DGA nom. Part of the problem is that "Moneyball" is so masterfully done, everyone involved makes it look easy. It's not. This is filmmaking at it's best.

--Jenelle Riley

Brad and Jonah on how they got involved with "Moneyball":

How they prepared for their roles:

My favorite clip--Brad gives Jonah a hard time and Jonah reveals what he "hates" about Brad:

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