Oscars To be Sacha Baron Cohen-free
Update! According to THR, Sacha Baron Cohen is allowed to attend, just not as The Dictator. Insert "so now the only dictator present will be _______" joke here.
This just in from Deadline Hollywood: Sacha Baron Cohen will not be presenting at this year's Oscars. In fact, he won't even be attending: His tickets to the event have been rescinded. Earlier this week, word got out that Cohen--who is known for playing characters like Ali G., Borat, and Bruno--wanted to attend in the guise of General Aladeen, his character in the upcoming film "The Dictator." So the "Hugo" star had his tickets pulled.
Honestly, it's the Academy's loss. Something cutting-edge and unpredictable might have livened things up a bit, but I guess this Oscar broadcast has already had enough drama with it's rotating producers and hosts to last the year. Instead, let's relive the moment Cohen--as Bruno--landed on Eminem's lap at the MTV Movie Awards (after the jump.)
--Jenelle Riley