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Search Tips: Find, Sort, and Attend Auditions

Auditions_Calendar_01 Every year Back Stage publishes over 10,000 casting and job notices, with new notices being published on BackStage.com (and old notices being removed from BackStage.com) seven days a week — making Back Stage an always up-to-date resource.

In addition to searching through Back Stage's online casting & jobs database for notices that fit your interests, another great way to find out about new opportunities is to read Back Stage's Auditions Highlights, Casting News, and Seeking Submissions posts on Blog Stage, as well as Back Stage's weekly Production Listings and Bulletins.

The "Audition Highlights" posts on Blog Stage include the popular weekly "Auditions at a Glance" calendars from the New York, California, and National/Regional sections of the national Back Stage newspaper and digital magazine. The casting notices highlighted in these weekly calendars are conveniently organized by the date and day-of-the-week the auditions are taking place, to help you schedule your audition plans.

When looking for new notices, try some of the following Audition Search Tips:

1) To find the full details for any given project listed in the "Auditions Highlights posts — including the audition times, locations, requirements, and alternate submission methods — simply locate the full casting notices for each project by clicking on the links available in each post. Or use the BackStage.com Casting & Jobs Search Engine to find these auditions and a wide variety of additional casting/job notices.

2) Run a search for all the categories and states/countries you're interested in, and then sort the results based upon the date of the auditions by clicking on the triangular arrows found near the top of the "Audition Dates" column on every page of the search results.


3) Try an "All Words" Keyword Search using a project title as your keyword phrase when searching the Casting.BackStage.com casting database. (Hint: Try searching for a specific project title, production company, casting director name, or audition location -- keywords you could try include any projects you see listed on Back Stage, such as project headlines you see in "Audition Highlights" posts.)


4) Try an "Exact Phrase" Keyword Search using a specific date as your keyword phrase -- such as Nov. 28, Dec. 5, and so on -- to discover other opportunities that have audition dates, performance dates, and submission deadlines matching the keyword-date you specify.

Example: In the Keywords field on the Advanced Casting Search page, enter a date such as Nov. 10 and choose "Exact Phrase" to find all casting notices that mention that date -- this is a great way to locate casting notices that mention particular audition dates, call back dates, and submission deadlines! (Hint: For specific dates in casting notices, months are always abbreviated by Back Stage like this: Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. -- so use these abbreviations when searching) However, you may miss out on important casting opportunities when you use a super-specific search such as this, so we suggest also trying broader searches (leaving the keyword field BLANK, so that your search isn't limited by a specific word or phrase) -- looking through all of the casting notices carefully in your favorite casting categories.

5) If you'd like to see all notices organized by category or geographic region, just choose the category and/or region you want in the casting search engine and then click the "Run Search Now" button. You do not have to choose any other search options. In fact, the less you narrow the your search down, the more notices you'll see. (Hint: After running a search, you'll be able to sort the search results by the notices' Posted Date, Location, Rush/Priority Status, or Audition Date.)

6) Customize and personalize your search by using Back Stage's Advanced Casting/Job Search filters, which let you narrow your search based upon various criteria (such as the age-range, gender, and ethnicity of roles; the pay range of projects; and more).

6) See the Casting Search FAQ for additional search hints.

-- Luke Crowe, National Casting Editor, Back Stage

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