I've never been big on technology. I barely joined Twitter last year, still have an old Blackberry, and only yesterday joined the Instagram craze.
And what's the saying - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." True, true. Ain't nothing wrong with doing things old fashioned. . .
However, I can't deny that such technological advances have helped me as an actor! My life has greatly been eased by:
A) Not having to print sides anymore
B) Being able to access casting information in an instant
C) Having all my notes, inspirations, quotes, etc in ONE place.
I don't know about you, but I used to have a journal for everything - a personal journal, a gratitude journal, an acting journal . . .
Now I've got them all in one place. I have literally saved minutes, maybe even hours each week by not having to leaf through pages to find "that one quote that that one casting director said in that one workshop."
See how stressful that can be? Because as a woman, I have many different purses for many different occasions. Some are bigger than others. Some don't fit journals, or even wallets for that matter. That means that my notes are scattered.
Some end up on my phone, on the back of a receipt or a program. . . Hmm. Rarely do they end up in the actual journal!!
So I say all this to say - don't be afraid of technology like I have been folks! Go out there and see what can make your life a little easier. After all, that's what technology is there for, right? To make your life easyyyy!
-- Dominique Toney | @domtoney
Photo by Ismael Cruz-Cordova